You are currently viewing WELCOME TO ATHA 2018 INFO & LINKS


Hi everyone. Links to important documents for the 2018 season below

Welcome Letter 2018

ATHA 2018 CALENDAR FINAL (updated 7/3/18)


Hi ATHA family! We are heading into a new season very soon so I wanted to get some info out to you all.

First – here is where you register for 2018. No need to wait, you can register at any time 😊

Just log-in and follow the prompts.

You must pay both Hockey Qld fees and ATHA fees for your age group. You can add multiple children and pay as a lump sum.

Remember: age for registration purposes is set by Hockey Qld – (at 31st of December of the playing year.) 

ATHA sets it’s playing age as per age at Jan 1st of the playing year as it is for representative.  

* If you have a Get Started voucher please only pay the Hockey Qld registration online and email us your voucher and we will lodge it and manually add your registration on the portal. 

If you have any issues with registration please let us know and we can assist you.

More info can be found on our website – Welcome to hockey 2018 & in our Information and Resources section.

Important info:

Our season will start Saturday March 10th.

Working Bee/Sign On/Information Day Sunday 11th Feb – 9 am – 1 pm – we ask that at least one member from each team come along and help…the more the merrier and the easier.

Bring a broom, bucket, some rags, a mower, whipper snipper, gloves, pliers.

We will have information and assistance to sign up this day if you need it; so come along and/or tell your friends. All coaches & captains are asked to attend this day to assist new players and gauge where we are at for the season.

City vs Country Fun Day – Saturday 17th FEBRUARY from 10 am. 

Come along and have a game & enjoy the fun. Please let your coach/captain know if you are keen to have a game. We will run as many games as we can throughout the day.

We will need helpers in the canteen and bar throughout the day so please come and help if you can.

Suggested itinerary.

10.30 – S1 & S2 Stingers vs Tableland Tomahawks Girls & Boys
11.30 – Stingers Men (City) vs Atherton Men (Country)
1.00 –  Atherton Open Ladies vs Stingers Open Ladies
2.00 –  Atherton Vets Ladies vs Stingers Vets Ladies
Mixed 6 a side fun run for our juniors.

Link to our website: 

On our webiste you will find all the links and you will need –  Latest news, Information and Resources: Registration portal, Fees Schedule, 2018 Calendar, Code of Conduct. Competition portal…

Refer back here from time to time for updates.

Link to our Facebook page:

I urge you to jump on and Follow our page for up to date information. You can contact us via Facebook messenger.

If you have any queries please just ask… 😉

Cheers, Carrie & Pam 😊